This document contains information about the lotto picker program. It is a program to randomly pick lotto numbers for state lotterys. In order for the program to run you must first have windows 95 and the file vb40032.dll in your windows directory and the file comdlg32.ocx in the windows system directory. these files are needed to run programs writen in visual basic. If you dont have either of the files you can find them on internet or I will e-mail them to you. Lotto picker is shareware. Which means you get to try the program befor you buy it. If you dont like it, delete the program befor the 30 day trial period ends. If you like it then please send 5 dollars to me and I will send you a serial number to register the program. If you partake in shareware you encourage programers like myself to write better programs and send them out as shareware and freeware. Thank you for trying out this and please help keep shareware alive. I can be reached at you can register this program by sending your home or e-mail address and a cheak or money order 5 dollars to, James Sanders 36 Minerva ST. San Francisco CA 94112-3049